Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Taco Tuesday

Happy Tuesday everyone! Last night I made an awesome Weight Watcher buffalo chicken pizza and cucumber and avocado salad. It was so easy and full of flavor (and even better, low in fat!)
Matt and I are really trying to eat healthy and lose weight so I am only using WW and other low fat recipes in our daily dinners. I seriously love cooking and now that I have my own space it makes me want to quit my job and just cook all day (although, I don't know how Matt would feel about that...lol). Tonight is our weekly Taco Tuesday night which is a very special night in which we basically invite friends over and eat tacos together (surpised, I know...).
Married life is so awesome because everything I do now involves Matt and we can have cute themed nights and just be with each other. I love it!!!! God definitely knew what He was doing in putting us together. :)
Our house is coming together and day by day I am unpacking boxes one by one, trying to find somewhere to put all of my stuff. Last night Matt had to go to the Theater to go oversee while the Gilead staff filmed a video for Summer Camp. While he was gone I packed his lunch, did the dishes and hung some artwork up on our walls (it was driving me crazy having blank walls!!!) I hope to eventually find my acrylic paint and paint a piece for our living room but currently it's lost in the sea of boxes. It's so fun to have a house that I can nest in!!! I am so blessed to have a beautiful home, a wonderful husband and wonderful friends and family and those blessings only come from the Lord! Appreciate all that God has given you today because we don't deserve any of it! Happy Taco Tuesday :)


  1. Fun, fun! I don't have anything hung on the walls yet (haven't unpacked pictures!) but I DID pick up some cute pics from your wedding and got them in frames tonight. :)

  2. I'm so glad you are enjoying being married! Unfortunately, Andy never got a wife that loved to cook!!! I also hate having blank walls. Have to have pictures or artwork up.
